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Brilliant work starts with good questions. Here’s a quick few from us to get the conversation started.
Full Name
Business Name
Website or Business IG (If applicable)
Tell us more about your business! What's the story behind it?
What makes you excited about working with Aúra Studios?
What services are you interested in? Select all that apply.
Brand Strategy
Branding & Design
Marketing Collateral
Website Design
Video Content
If you selected " Collateral Design" or "Other", please describe what type of services or assets you're looking for below:
Do you have a budget in mind?
Do you have a specific launch date in mind?
How long have you been in business?
Less than 1 year
1 - 2 years
3 - 5 years
5 years +
Is there anything else you'd like to share about you or your project?
Thank you! How can we get in touch?